Asteroid (225) Henrietta will occult 2UCAC 32401749 on 2013 May 6 from 11:10 UT to 11:12 UT. Local times will vary. The star is supposed to have a magnitude of 12.5.
While while we are saving Pluto for our first official RECON campaign, Henrietta is very nice opportunity for multiple RECON sites to get the size of this asteroid. If your site is available and able to monitor this optional event, we strongly encourage you to go for it! Just remember to register your site on OccultWatcher if you intend to observe the event.
Observation details
The senseup setting should be x12. The maximum duration is 13.8 seconds. All RECON sites should start recording at 11:07:45 and run until 11:13:45 (six minutes total).
Finder Charts (courtesy of Steve Preston and Guide)
For finder charts and a predicted ground-track of this event, visit Asteroid Occultation Updates.
Star Hop List
Name RA Dec mag dist Antares 16:29:24.4 -26:25:55 0.9 34.70 60Bet Oph 17:43:28.3 +04:34:04 2.8 3.83 PPM 164858 17:56:18.3 +00:40:14 5.7 1.22 PPM 164743 17:52:35.4 +01:18:18 7.5 0.46 PPM 164741 17:52:34.2 +01:42:36 8.6 0.26 PPM 164796 17:54:11.3 +01:46:54 10.7 0.17 (225) Henrietta 17:53:37.4 +01:41:29 12.5
All positions are J2000.
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