Happy New Year RECON!

Welcome to 2016!!!

Wanted to share a recent asteroid occultation that occurred just before the New Year. On 2015 December 30 UT, main belt asteroid (96) Aegle occulted an 11.6 magnitude star. RECON team members Chris Patrick from Kingman Arizona, Steve Bock and John Heller from Indian Springs, and Tony George from Scottsdale recorded positive observations of the occultation.  Below is the light for this event from Kingman:

Light curve for Aegle collected in Kingman Arizona

Light curve for Aegle collected in Kingman Arizona

Below is a preliminary object profile for Aegle generated using data from Chris, Steve, Tony, and 5 additional IOTA observers.  You can view this and other 2015 IOTA results at Asteroid Occultation Results Page for North America.

20151230_AegleProfileUpdatedGreat job Chris, Steve, John, Tony, and other IOTA members!  Hope all enjoy the New Year Weekend!!!