Lassen Dark Sky Festival

This past summer 12 RECON team members participated in the 4th annual Lassen Dark Sky Festival in August of 2015. Members helped conduct stargazing and discussions about astronomy with over 4,500 visitors.  Since 2012, thousands of spectators visit Lassen national park every year to celebrate special astronomical events including the annular eclipse, the transit of Venus and the Lassen Dark Sky Festival.

Visitors can participate in various activities throughout the festival:

Lassen National Park is a sanctuary of natural darkness and offers spectacular views of the night sky.

Check out our RECON Team members at the Lassen Festival.

Check out more pictures of the Lassen Dark Sky Festival here.

Here are future events dates at Lassen National Park:
August 12-14, 2016 -100th Anniversary of National Park Service and Lassen Festival
August 11-13, 2017  One week before the total solar eclipse
August 3-5, 2018  James Webb Space Telescope launches in October