2013 April 07 – (63) Ausonia


As part of our RECON Spring Training Event, we will be simulating an occultation campaign by having our workshop participants record an image of (63) Ausonia on Saturday, April 6 at a simulated occultation event time.

Date/Time: (simulation)

April 07, 05:32 UT

Star Hop List (Of-Date Coordinates)

Star            RA (h m s)   DEC (deg)   Mag  Target Distance (deg)

Regulus      10:09:04.6 +11:54:07  1.3 5.43

45 Leo       10:28:20.9 +09:41:40  5.8 2.13

PPM 156818   10:26:17.0 +08:42:32  7.6 1.03

PPM 156756   10:22:44.7 +08:25:45  9.5 0.62

PPM 156775   10:23:44.6 +07:51:12 10.6 0.04

(63) Ausonia 10:23:09.5 +07:56:37 11.1

Finder Charts:

(courtesy of Steve Preston and Guide): Wide Field , 15 degree view , 5 degree view , 2 degree view , 30′ view