RECON 2016 Fall Campaigns

RECON is gearing up for an event during Thanksgiving Week involving Centaur 08FC76 on Wednesday morning, November 23. The prediction for this event places the centerline directly through the middle of our network, with over 40 RECON sites within the 1-sigma shadow zone.

Prediction map for 08FC76

Prediction map for 08FC76

What could be better than the above event, which has a 67% probability of resulting in publishable measurement of this outer Solar System object?  A second event with equally good probability for success!  On Saturday night, December 10 (December 11 UT), RECON will be pursuing our third campaign event this autumn involving Centaur 14UT114, with a shadow path passing over Central Oregon. For this December event, EVERY RECON SITE will is within the 1-sigma uncertainty zone, resulting in an 80% probability for success!

Prediction for 14UT114 on 11 December, 2016 UT

Prediction for 14UT114 on 11 December, 2016 UT

RECON is very well positioned to obtain results for two scientific papers from the above events. All observers participating in any of the above events will have the opportunity to also participate as a co-author.

Here’s to clear skies across the Western US on the morning of November 23 and the evening of December 10!