After almost three years of planning, recruitment, and training, we are coming up on our first full RECON campaign event! On the evening of Wednesday, June 10 local time (11 June, 2015 around 06:50 UT), classical KBO 2001 FE193 will occult star UC4-419-056744. For more information on this event, visit our 2001 FE193 Event Page.
While the 1-sigma cross-track uncertainty in the shadow position for this event is currently over 7,500 km, data recently collected using the 4-m telescope at Kitt Peak will be used to update this prediction prior to the event. Regardless of the uncertainty, this campaign represents the first functional test of the full RECON network and will provide great observing experience for all 50+ RECON teams and any other observers who join in the campaign. To indicate that your team is prepared to participate, please have a representative from your observing team complete a Pre-Event Confirmation Form.