Over 50 RECON communities are geared up for our first full RECON occultation campaign! Classical KBO 2001 FE193 is predicted to occult a 15.8 magnitude star in the constellation Virgo around 11:50 PM PDT/MST on the evening of Wednesday, June 10, 2015 (2015 June 11 06:50 UT). Recently updated predictions place the centerline for the event to the south of the network, but uncertainty estimates indicate that RECON is well within reach of the shadow.
Clear skies are predicted over most of Washington, Oregon, and Arizona, while conditions should be improving in California and central Nevada around the time of the event.
This campaign represents the culmination of three years of recruiting, equipping, training, and planning. Needless to say, we are extremely enthusiastic to learn how things go during this first full functional test of the network.
Good luck to all of our teams!