Our first training workshop for the pilot RECON network was held in April of 2013. Roughly 40 representatives from 14 community teams attended the workshop. During Spring 2015, we held our Southern and Northern RECON Training Workshops for both new community teams that joined the full RECON network and our pilot communities. After the 3 training sessions, we had a fully trained network ready to handle the science, equipment, and techniques associated with the project and train the rest of their home community team members.
Since then, we have followed up with 3 team meetings in order to discuss RECON science results, upcoming events and plans, as well as obtain participant feedback, train new team members, and practice for upcoming events. The first was in 2016 in Carson City, Nevada, the second in 2017 in Sunriver, Oregon, and the third in 2019 in Boulder City, Nevada. For these meetings and future ones, RECON covers the full cost for one representative from each community and there is room for additional participants.