2016 June 26 – (50000) Quaoar

Event Information

Object: (50000) Quaoar
Object Type: Classical KBO
Geocentric closest approach at 2016/06/26 06:48:58 UTC
Sense-Up: 128x
RA: 17:52:53.3  (equinox of date)
DEC: -15:23:14  (equinox of date)
Observation Times: See RECON Event Detail Page for Quaoar 


This is an optional RECON event.  Any teams that are available are encouraged to participate!

Observation Protocol

For this and all future events, we would like to standardize the video data files we would like each team to collect the following.  See our Full Campaign Observation Protocol Page for more details.

  1. Position Video
  2. Event Video
  3. Sky Field Video
  4. Dark Field Video

You should configure VirtualDub to save your files sequentially by using “Set Capture File” to save as C:/Users/RECON/Data/20160626/20160626_01. You should record the filenames and information about each file using the RECON Observation Logsheet.

Finder Charts

See RECON Event Detail Page for Quaoar for finder chart provided by Marc Buie. Note that north is up in this automatically generated chart. The green rectangle represents the field of view of a standard RECON system, although the orientation of the rectangle does not match the orientation of the field at the time of the event. Marc will work on upgrading this feature in the future.

Images of Star Field

Below is an image of the star field provided by Bill Gimple from Greenville.  As you can see, this is a very crowded field. We recommend use of the star training set to confirm the pointing of your telescope to aid you in getting to the right field.

Star field provided by Bill Gimple at 128x

Star field provided by Bill Gimple at 128x

Post-Event Details

If you do participate in this optional event, we need you to Report Your Observations. This includes completing an Post-Event Report, saving an electronic version of your log sheet, and uploading both videos and observation log to SwRI in Boulder.