2013 February 11 – (4164) Shilov


As part of our RECON Spring Training Event, we will be simulating an occultation campaign by having our workshop participants record an image of the field where (4164) Kalliope on Feb 11, 2013 , 02:57 UT when it occulted was on at onTYC 0110-00317-1.  This represents a simulated occultation event.


Feb 11, 02:57 UT

Star Hop List (Of-Date Coordinates)

Star            RA (h:m:s)   DEC (deg)   Mag  Target Distance (deg)

Bellatrix 05:25:50.5 +06:21:38 1.6 4.86

3 Ori 04:50:33.6 +06:59:00 3.2 4.06

14 Ori 05:08:36.2 +08:30:53 5.7 1.10

PPM 148420 05:06:03.1 +07:34:47 7.5 0.20

Shilov 05:05:22.02 +07:28:47 10.0

Asteroid Occultation Maps and Updates: (4164) Shilov