We are receiving many reports back from teams throughout the RECON network that Netbooks have been arriving safely! To support teams in becoming familiar with the Netbooks, we have duplicated the previous post on setting up your Netbook upon arrival and created two additional guides on using your Netbook to capture camera data and checking your camera settings. All of these procedures are best done in the comfort of a warm, lighted room where you can become familiar with the Netbook/camera combination and confirm that your camera settings are correct. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there are any confusing points on the guides that we can help clarify or correct! You can also navigate to the above guides by selecting the page labeled RECON Guides under the Participant Resources menu topic. Coming soon is a guide on using OccultWatcher to sign up for campaign events!
Looking forward to hearing reports on how the Netbooks work with 2001XR254 this coming Sunday night/early Monday morning!